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合同期间(terms of contract)条款

  合同期间是对合同本身的有效期约定。一般需要在合同中明确:“是一次性可以履行完毕的合同,还是需要在一定期间才能履行完毕的合同”(Is it a one-shot situation or will it last for some designed time period)以及“在什么条件下,合同的期限可以重新约定或者说合同的期限可以进一步扩展而继续有效”(How can the term be renewed or extended?)例如:

  1.本协议的初始期限应当自本协议生效之日开始起算,计至该R之后的第5个日历年的12月31日。(The initial term of this Agreement shall be from the Effective Date of this Agreement to December 31 of the fifth calendar year after the effective date.)

  2.The Parties may extend or renew the Agreement for additional one-year provided A Co. gives notice of its desire to extend the term no later than twenty-four(24) months prior Legal English; A Coursebook on Reading and Translation or to the end of the Initial Term or any term extension(Extended Term) and the Vendor does not give written notice within 30 days of receipt that it does not wish to extend the Term.(全体当事人可以将本协议的期限展期或者续签1年,但A公司需在“原定合同期限”结束E1前24个月发出表示展期的通知且卖方在接到书面通知后30 H内未发出表示不 愿展期的书面通知。)

  3.If anyone of Party A,Party B or Party C breaches any term of this agreement,the innocent party may terminate this agreement by notifying the counterparts 60 days in advance in written, and this agreement is terminated after the expiration of 60 days.(甲、乙、丙任何一方违反本协议的任何条款,无过错一方提前60天通过书面通知其他方式终止本协议的,本协议在60天期满时终止。)

   需要说明的是,合同期间是指合同整体效力的期间,即合同生效时间与失效时间的期间。合间期间与合同膜行期限(the time of performance)有重要区别:合同期间的效力指向对象是合同本身:合同期间开始是指合同整体生效,合同期间结束是指合同整体失效。而合 同履行期限效力所指向的对象是合同的当事人:货物买卖合同中卖方合同履行期限就是指其交货时间,而买方的合同履行期限就是指其付款时间。


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