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合同翻译-合同终止(termination of contract)条款
作者: 发布于:2021/9/24 15:44:09 点击量:

合同终止(termination of contract)条款

  合同终止是指合同生效后,未履行完毕前,因出现特定的情况时,提前终止合同的效力。合同终止条款主要包括如下内容:合同终止的条件(situations of termination of the contract),合同终止的后果(consequences of termination)以及合同终止后的责任承担(post-termination obligations),等等。例如:

  1. Party A may terminate this Agreement upon ninety (90) days notice if any of the following occur:(凡发生下列情况之一的,甲方可提前90天通过书面通知对方终止本协议:)

  (a)The Vendor fails to supply at least 85% of Products ordered by Party A in four or more consecutive calendar quarters;or(卖方连续4个或者4个以上日历季度未能交付甲方所订购的85%及以上的产品;或者)

  (b)Party A determines that the Vendor or Manufacturer have breached Section 7 of this Agreement;or(甲方认定卖方或者制造商已经违反本协议第7条的规定;或者)

   (c)Party A has given the Vendor or Manufacturer written notice of a breach, and the breach has not been cured within ninety(90) days.(甲方已向卖方或者制造商发出书面违 约的通知,且该违约通知在90天内未得到有效处理。)

  2.Upon termination,Party A may offset any mutually agreed upon bonuses from prior purchases or other credits due.(本协议一旦终止,甲方可从先前购置的产品或者其他到期债权中冲抵经各方协定妥的奖金。)

  3.The termination of the Agreement shall not affect or prejudice any provisions of the Agreement,which are expressly or by implication provided to continue in effect after such termination.(本协议的终止应不影响本协议内任何已明确规定或者默示规定的将在 本协议终止后继续有效的条款。)


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