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支付条件(payment terms)条款

  支付条件条款主要是约定支付合同价款或酬金的时间与方式,以及是否计算利息、逾期付款的处罚方式等等。在合同中,买卖双方对付款时间和付款方式都倍加关心,为了保证货款的安全收付,双方必须对支付条款作出明确的规定。在支付条件条款中,可以规定:何时 开始支付(when is payment due),分期支付还是全额支付(whether it is paid in installment or in full,是否计算利息 whether interest is charged),逾期支付处罚(penalty for late payment)等内容。仅举如下几例:

  买方应于2011年10月1日以前将全部货款用电汇方式预付给卖方。(Thebuyer shall pay the total to the seller in advance by Telegraphic Transfer not later than October 1,201L )

  The payment method of the first trading year is full payment of price for delivery. From the second trading year,Party A and Party B fix the trading terms for later payment together,under the precondition of longterm distribution and the enlarging marketing amount,(首交易年度采用全额支付后提货的方式。从次交易年度起,甲乙双方以长期经销 和扩大营销量为前提,共同确定以后付款交易条件。)


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