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第二课 普通法系与大陆法系
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Lesson 2  Legal Systems: Common Law and Civil Law



Every independent country has its own legal system.The system vary according to each country’s social traditions and form ofgovernment. But most systems can be classed as either a common-law system or acivil-law system. The United States, Canada, Great Britain,and otherEnglish-speaking countries have a common-law system. Most other countries havea civil-law system. Many countries combine features of both systems. A generaldistinction can be made between civil law jurisdictions,which codify theirlaws,and common law systems,where judge made law is not consolidated.




The common-law system prevails in England, the UnitedStates, and other countries colonized by England. It is distinct from thecivil-law system,which predominates in Europe and in areas colonized by Franceand Spain. The common-law system is used in all states of the United Statesexcept Louisiana, where French Civil Law combined with English Criminal Law toform a hybrid system. The common-law system is also used in Canada,except inthe province of Quebec,where the French civil-law system prevails.

盎格鲁-美利坚普通法主要产生于三个英国王室法院:财政诉讼法院、王座法院和普通诉讼法院。上述法院最终取得了原先归地方法院或领地法院(如男爵法院、海事法院、行会和王室猎场法院,它们的司法管辖权仅限于特定的地区或特定的事项)管辖之纠纷的司法管辖权。 衡平法院最初设立的初衷是为了向那些不能获得普通法救济的诉讼当事人提供救济,后来也并人了普通法法院体系。绝大多数法律争议的管辖权现已合并至数个法院管辖,这成为现代英美法院体系的基本框架。

Anglo-American common law evolved chiefly from threeEnglish Crown courts of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries: the Exchequer,the King’s Bench, and the Common Pleas. These courts eventually assumedjurisdiction over disputes previously decided by local or manorial courts,suchas baronial admiral’s(maritime), guild, and forest courts,whose jurisdictionwas limited to specific geographic or subject matter areas. Equalitycourts,which were instituted to provide relief to litigants in cases wherecommon-law relief was unavailable, also merged with common-law courts. Thisconsolidation of jurisdiction over most legal disputes into several courts wasthe framework for the modern Anglo-American judicial system.



Common-law courts base their decisions on priorjudicial pronouncements rather than on legislative enactments. Common-lawjudges rely on their predecessor’s decisions of actual controversies, ratherthan on abstract codes or texts, to guide them in applying the law. Common-lawjudges find the grounds for their decisions in law reports, which containdecisions of past controversies. Under the doctrine of stare decisis,common-law judges are obliged to adhere to previously decided cases, orprecedents, where the facts are substantially the same. A court’s decision isbinding authority for similar cases decided by the same court or by lowercourts within the same jurisdiction. The decision is not binding on courts ofhigher rank within that jurisdiction or courts in other jurisdictions, but itmay be considered as persuasive authority.


Under a common-law system, disputes are settledthrough an adversarial exchange fo arguments and evidence. Both parties presenttheir cases before a neutral fact finder, either a judge or a jury. The judgeor jury evaluates the evidence, applies the appropriate law to the facts, andrenders a judgment in favor of one of the parties. Following the decision,either party may appeal the decision to a higher court. Appellate courts in acommon-law system may review only findings of law, not determinations of fact.


The lawmaking role of legislatures in common lawcountries has increased greatly during the 1900’s. For example, the UnitedStates Congress has made major changes in American contract and property law.The changes have dealt, for example, with such matters as labor-managementrelations, worker’s wages and hours, health,safety, and environmentalprotection. Nevertheless ,common-law countries have kept the basic feature ofthe English legal system, which is the power of judges to make laws. Inaddition, constitutional law in these countries continues the common-lawtradition of defending the people’s rights and liberties.


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