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  例 1:Unlike tortsand contracts, the criminal law involves public law.(与侵权行为法和合同法不同,刑法属于公法。)

  为了与刑法对应,需要将“torts”“contracts”翻译为侵权行为法合同法 Tom既表若千侵权行为,也有侵权行为法tort law)之意。类似的,contracts既可以contract的复数形式,也有合同法”(contract law)之意。

  例 2  Although the wordsdamage and injury are sometimes used synonymously, there is a materialdistinction between them.(虽然损害与伤害有时通用,但是两i4神本质上的区别。)


  例 3: He hasthe right to vote and to stand for election.(他有选举权被选举权)

  此处应把“right tostand for election翻译为被选举权。不少人误将被选举权译为 “right to be voted。另外,right to vote—般译为选举权,在台湾多译为选择权表决权投票权华人民共和国年满十八周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况和居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权。依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人没有选举权和被选举权(All citizensof the People’s Republic of China who have reached the age of 18 have the rightto vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnic status, racesexoccupationfamily backgroundreligious beliefeducation, propertystatus or length of residence. Those who are stripped of their political rightsaccording to law do not have the right to vote or stand for election.)

  例 4Each Party, shall havethe right to change its legal or authorized representative and shallpromptly notify the other Party of such change and the nameposition and nationalityof its new legal or authorized representative.(双方有权撤换其各自的法定代表人或授权代表,并应将新法定代表人或授权代表的姓名、职位和国籍及时通知另一方。)


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